Plenty of people get their wisdom teeth removed at some point in their life, but for far too many people, this task is not completed until after something goes wrong like a wisdom tooth being impacted and developing an infection. If you still have your wisdom teeth in adulthood, it might be beneficial to get them removed even if these teeth do not seem like they are currently causing a problem.…
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It’s important to start dental visits when your child is young so your dentist can monitor your child for dental problems such as tooth crowding and misalignment of the teeth. When these problems occur, early orthodontic treatment is often advised since the bones and teeth in a young child’s mouth are easier to move and shape.
If your child needs braces, they might also need a palate expander. Not all kids do, but in some cases, an expander is an important part of orthodontic treatment.…
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Several factors influence how white your teeth can get following a tooth whitening treatment. Granted that this is the most effective and efficient way to get that brilliant and bright smile, the outcome usually varies from one person to the next, based on several factors, some of which are as highlighted.
1. Type of Whitening Procedure
There are four main types of teeth whitening procedures: in-office, teeth whitening strips, whitening toothpastes, rinses, and teeth whitening trays.…
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