Encouraging Toddler Dental Care

All About Gums—And Not The Chewing Kind!

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You see them every time you smile, you feel them when you don’t necessarily feel your teeth, and they are just as much a part of everyday oral care as anything else in your mouth. Your gums are a vital part of your smile’s overall structure, and taking care of your gums is highly important. Yet, a lot of people are a little confused about their gums and how they work or what attention they need.…

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How To Tell If You Have Advanced Gum Disease

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Gum disease progresses over time, and it’s important for people to know the difference between the stages. While the early stages can be taken care of at home with tools like a toothbrush and floss, advanced stages can only be reversed and cared for by a dentist. If you’re not sure whether the problems you’re having with your gums mean that you have advanced gum disease or not, take a look at this list and see if it matches up with your symptoms.…

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Reasons That Your Gums May Be Bleeding

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It happens to everyone eventually – they are brushing their teeth when they notice that their gums are bleeding. This many not be a concern if it happens rarely, since the cause is likely from a small injury in the mouth. If you notice blood often, though, you may have a more serious condition. The following can help you understand why your gums may be bleeding. Plaque The main cause of bleeding gums is plaque buildup.…

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