Encouraging Toddler Dental Care

Why Visit Dentists If Your Teeth Feel Great?

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If you’re one of those people who are taking the time to floss and brush your teeth as recommended by the dentist, when it’s time for your bi-yearly dental appointment, you might feel inclined to skip it. You may not think there’s that much value in seeing any dentist if you feel fine. In fact, there are many reasons that a dental trip can be valuable even when your teeth feel fantastic.…

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Ghost Teeth And Pain: Explaining A Real Phenomenon

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There are all kinds of strange things that can happen with the human body. Most of them can be explained and resolved. Take “ghost limbs,” for example. This is a phenomenon that occurs when someone loses a limb in an accident. The limb is not there, but the person still feels like it is. The nerves in the end of the remaining stump are still signaling a limb that is not there, causing the person to feel his/her “…

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Selecting The Right Dental Crown For You

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Dental crowns can provide stability and strength to a tooth that is in need of some help. Many people use a crown instead of having dental bonding done, because the dental crown works well at holding the tooth together. There are 3 types of crowns that you can get, all of which have their own benefits. Full Dental Crown Much like the name implies, a full dental crown will be placed over the entire tooth.…

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