Encouraging Toddler Dental Care

Dry Or Burning Mouth? Causes And Possible Treatments For These Problems

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If you wake up and feel like your mouth is on fire, or that your mouth is so dry you can hardly swallow, this could be due to many things. Below is some information about each of these, as well as the possible treatments to help you. Dry Mouth A decreased amount of saliva in your mouth causes dry mouth (xerostomia). This is generally due to a problem with the salivary glands in your mouth.…

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Concerned Your Child's Teeth Grinding Is TMJ? What To Know

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If your child complains that their teeth and face hurt and you can hear them grinding their teeth in the middle of the night, they could have temporal mandibular joint disorder. This is an issue that you want address with your dentist, and ultimately it will need to be treated by an orthodontist. The signs of TMJ vary but shouldn’t be ignored, because this condition can cause lifelong problems if it isn’t treated.…

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3 Ways To Protect Your Child's Teeth During The Easter Holiday

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For kids, Easter is one of the most anticipated holidays of the year. The holiday is a chance to fill up on numerous candies and other sweet treats. Unfortunately, those treats can be damaging to your child’s teeth and gums. Here are some tips to ensure that your child’s dental health stays on track throughout the holiday season. Choose Treats Wisely Although sweet treats, such as caramels and marshmallows, are good to eat, they can be harmful to your child’s teeth.…

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