Encouraging Toddler Dental Care

Age-Related Dental Issues Your Family Dentist Can Prevent Or Remedy

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Family dentists care for dental patients of all ages. Thus, even if your family includes young children and older adults, all of your household members can visit the same dental provider. Here are a few age-related dental issues and the treatments that a family dentist may provide to help prevent or remedy them. Pediatric Dental Decay Children may develop cavities more frequently than adults because kids tend to prefer candy, chips, and sweet drinks that feed oral bacteria.…

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How Asthma Can Affect Your Child's Teeth

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You probably know the importance of disclosing any existing or newly diagnosed medical conditions to your dentist. Seemingly unrelated conditions can affect your oral health, and your dentist needs to be sure that any proposed forms of dental treatment aren’t in conflict with any treatment that might be in use for the medical condition in question. The same applies to your child. Most children diagnosed with asthma display symptoms by the age of five, with a conclusive diagnosis following shortly afterwards.…

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Why You Should Get Your Wisdom Teeth Out Before Problems Develop

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Plenty of people get their wisdom teeth removed at some point in their life, but for far too many people, this task is not completed until after something goes wrong like a wisdom tooth being impacted and developing an infection. If you still have your wisdom teeth in adulthood, it might be beneficial to get them removed even if these teeth do not seem like they are currently causing a problem.…

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